【7】祈りとミルラ To Learn More of Myrrh【シラディハ水道 探索記】

シラディハ水道での一件に関して、アマルジャ族に尋ねたいことがあったのだが、彼らとの定例会議の折に、 議題として提示するわけにはいかなかった。
I wished to consult with the Amalj’aa over a certain facet of our expedition, yet I could hardly bring up the subject during one of our regular councils.
Should it become known that the royal person had been slipping out of the palace to conduct secret investigations, then my trusted escort would be caught up in an unpleasant storm of repercussions.
Nay, I must be discrete.
As such, I approached the Amalj’aa war chief at meeting’s end, and engaged him with the usual empty pleasantries-eventually steering the conversation to tribal custom.
I explained that the coffin of a zombie-cursed warrior had been discovered within Ul’dahn territory, and wondered at the traditional rites one might perform to send his kin’s unfortunate soul on to the afterlife.
Somewhat taken aback, the war chief advised that it was of paramount importance to avoid disturbing the warrior’s undead slumber.
“Leave the coffin untouched,” he warned.
蓋を開けて、中を確かめるようなことはせず、まずは棺へ向かって祈ることが肝要であると 「猛き御霊に一礼し、黙祷を捧げて、その武勲によってもたらされた勝利を喜び、敬意をもって膝をつくべし」……これが、戦場で散った同胞に捧ぐ、弔いの手順だという。
“Stand facing the valorous spirit, and perform a single bow.
Offer your respects for a life well lived, celebrate the warrior’s greatest victory, and then kneel in a moment of reflection.
“Thus did the Amal’jaa mourn comrades fallen on the field of battle, burning myrrh incense at the culmination of the ritual to guide their sanctified souls unto the everlasting flame.
In receiving his answer, I was suddenly struck by a cavalcade of questions I had never thought to ask.
I felt ashamed at my ignorance, and am now resolved to learn more of this proud people’s culture.